Council and democracy > Declarations

Declarations of interest


Meeting:  Wednesday, 15th November, 2023 1.00 pm - Cabinet

6. Sport and Active Recreation Strategy (SARS) Implementation.

  • Councillor Carol Andrews - Personal - Councillor C. Andrews declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item No. 6 Sport and Active Recreation Strategy (SARS) Implementation in that her husband works at a local leisure centre. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the Chamber and she could take a full part in the debate and vote.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 5.00 pm - Council

6. Community Review - Draft Proposals.

  • Councillor Carol Andrews - Personal - Councillor C. Andrews declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 13th December, 2023 1.00 pm - Cabinet

7. Housing Revenue Account Charges - 2024/2025.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 13th December, 2023 1.00 pm - Cabinet

12. Consultation on Proposals to Implement Council Tax Premiums on Long-term Empty Properties and Second Homes.

  • Councillor Carol Andrews - Personal - A relative has a house which has been empty for several years. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the Chamber and she could take a full part in the debate and vote.