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Council and democracy > Declarations
Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '21st Century Schools and Colleges Band B Programme - Community Engagement Report: Plasyfelin Primary School.'
- Councillor James Pritchard - Personal - Councillor J. Pritchard declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item No. 6 - 21st Century Schools and Colleges Band B Programme – Community Engagement Report: Plasyfelin Primary School, in that he is a Local Authority Appointed Governor at Plasyfelin Primary School, as this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Shayne Cook - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor S. Cook declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item No. 6 -21st Century Schools and Colleges Band B Programme – Community Engagement Report: Plasyfelin Primary School in that he is a Local Authority Appointed Governor at Plasyfelin Primary School and a personal and prejudicial interest in that his daughter is starting nursey at Plasyfelin in April, and as such he would leave the meeting when the matter was considered and take no part in the debate and vote.