Council and democracy > Declarations

Declarations of interest


Meeting:  Tuesday, 31st October, 2023 5.30 pm - Housing and Environment Scrutiny Committee

7. Sport and Active Recreation Strategy (SARS) Implementation.

  • Councillor Dawn Ingram-Jones - Personal - Councillr Ingram-Jones declared a personal declaration of interest on agenda item 7 as her project is funded by Families First.

Meeting:  Tuesday, 24th September, 2024 5.00 pm - Joint Scrutiny Committee

5. Mobilising Team Caerphilly - Future Provision of Meals Direct and The Hive Cafe, Ty Penallta.

  • Councillor Dawn Ingram-Jones - Personal and Prejudicial - Cllr D. Ingram-Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest on Agenda Item No 5 Mobilising Team Caerphilly Future Provision of Meals Direct and The Hive Café, Ty Penallta in that both her parents receive meals direct, as such she left the meeting when the item was discussed and took no part in the debate or vote