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Council and democracy > Declarations
Declarations of interest
Meeting: Wednesday, 27th September, 2023 5.00 pm - Council
7. Gwent Regional Partnership Board (RPB) Area Plan and RPB Annual Report 22-23.
- Councillor Shayne Cook - Personal - Councillor S. Cook declared a personal interest as he works for the NHS. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
Meeting: Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 5.00 pm - Council
6. Community Review - Draft Proposals.
- Councillor Alan Patrick Angel - Personal - Councillor A. Angel declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Amanda McConnell - Personal - Councillor A. McConnell declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Andrew Farina-Childs - Personal - Councillor A. Farina-Childs declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Anne Broughton-Pettit - Personal - Councillor A. Broughton-Pettit declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Arianna Leonard - Personal - Councillor A. Leonard declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Brenda Miles - Personal - Councillor B. Miles declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Carl Cuss - Personal - Councillor C. Cuss declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Carol Andrews - Personal - Councillor C. Andrews declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Charlotte Bishop - Personal - Councillor C. Bishop declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Chris Morgan - Personal - Councillor C. Morgan declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Colin Elsbury - Personal - Councillor C. Elsbury declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Colin Peter Mann - Personal - Councillor C. Mann declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor David Harse - Personal - Councillor D. Harse declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Donna Cushing - Personal - Councillor D. Cushing declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Elaine Forehead - Personal - Councillor E. Forehead declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Eluned Stenner - Personal - Councillor E. Stenner declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Gary Enright - Personal - Councillor G. Enright declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Greg Ead - Personal - Councillor G. Ead declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Haydn Pritchard - Personal - Councillor H. Pritchard declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor James Emmanuel Fussell - Personal - Councillor J. Fussell declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Jill Winslade - Personal - Councillor J. Winslade declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Jo Rao - Personal - Councillor J. Rao declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor John Eryl Roberts - Personal - Councillor J. Roberts declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor John Taylor - Personal - Councillor J. Taylor declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Judith Ann Pritchard - Personal - Councillor J.A. Pritchard declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Kevin Etheridge - Personal - Councillor K. Etheridge declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Lindsay Geoffrey Whittle - Personal - Councillor L. Whittle declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Mansel Powell - Personal - Councillor M. Powell declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Mark Evans - Personal - Councillor M. Evans declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Martyn Paul James - Personal - Councillor M. James declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Mrs Christine Forehead - Personal - Councillor C. Forehead declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Mrs Elizabeth M. Aldworth - Personal - Councillor E. M. Aldworth declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Mrs Lisa Phipps - Personal - Councillor L. Phipps declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Nigel George - Personal - Councillor N. George declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Philippa Leonard - Personal - Councillor P. Leonard declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Robert Edward Chapman - Personal - Councillor R. Chapman declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Sean Morgan - Personal - Councillor S. Morgan declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Stephen Kent - Personal - Councillor S. Kent declared a personal interest as a Member of a Town Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Steve Skivens - Personal - Councillor S. Skivens declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Teresa Parry - Personal - Councillor T. Parry declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Walter Williams - Personal - Councillor W. Williams declared a personal interest as a Member of a Community Council. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for him to leave the meeting and he could take full part in the debate and vote.
Meeting: Wednesday, 27th March, 2024 5.00 pm - Council
- Councillor Anne Broughton-Pettit - Personal - Councillor A. Broughton-Pettit declared a personal interest as she owns a second home in the Caerphilly Borough. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.
- Councillor Judith Ann Pritchard - Personal - Councillor J.A. Pritchard declared a personal interest as her son owns a second home in the Caerphilly Borough. As this was a personal interest only there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take full part in the debate and vote.