Council and democracy > Committee attendance > Declarations

Declarations of interest


Meeting:  Wednesday, 16th August, 2023 5.00 pm - Planning Committee

4. Application No. 22/0072/FULL - Land At Grid Ref 311809 189556, Windsor Way, Abertridwr.

  • Councillor Robert Edward Chapman - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor R. Chapman declared a personal and prejudicial interest in that a close family Member works for the Applicant and as such he left the meeting when the application was discussed and took no part in the debate or vote.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 5.00 pm - Planning Committee

6. Application No. 23/0452/LA - Llanfabon Infant School, Bryncelyn, Nelson, Treharris, CF46 6HL.

  • Councillor Brenda Miles - Personal - Councillor B. Miles declared a personal interest as she has a relative who has a child at Llanfabon Infant School and is an LA appointed Governor at Llancaeach Junior School. As these were personal interests only, there was no requirement for her to leave the meeting and she could take a full part in the debate and vote.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 13th December, 2023 5.00 pm - Planning Committee

4. Application No. 23/0470/FULL - Land At Grid Ref 310441 193869, Craig-evan-leyshon Common Road, Llanfabon, Nelson.

  • Councillor Brenda Miles - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor B. Miles declared a personal and prejudicial interest as she had predetermined the application due to speaking in objection as a local Ward Member. She left the meeting whilst the application was discussed.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 10th January, 2024 5.00 pm - Planning Committee

4. Application No. 23/0555/FULL - Stately-Albion Ltd, Unit 14, Darren Drive, Prince Of Wales Industrial Estate, Abercarn, Newport, NP11 5AR.

  • Councillor Andrew Whitcombe - Personal - Councillor Whitcombe declared a personal interest only as Local Ward Member he lives close the proposed development and knows several people who work for the organisation however he felt that the connection was not strong enough to be prejudicial and retained an open mind in relation to the application, as such he would take part in the debate and vote.
  • Councillor Kristian Woodland - Personal - Councillor Woodland declared a personal interest in that his fellow Crumlin Ward Councillor works at the application site, as this was a personal interest only he would take full part in the debate and vote.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 7th February, 2024 5.00 pm - Planning Committee

5. Application No: 23/0364/FULL - Robinson Manufacturing Ltd, The Old Quarry, Cemetery Road, Abercarn, Newport, NP11 5AQ.

  • Councillor Andrew Whitcombe - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor A. Whitcombe declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he had predetermined the application due to speaking in objection as a local Ward Member. He left the meeting whilst the application was discussed.

Meeting:  Wednesday, 10th April, 2024 5.00 pm - Planning Committee

4. Application No: 23/0347/COU - Change the Use From Office Building to Residential for 8 No. Flats - Crumlin Institute Buildings, Crumlin Square, Crumlin.

  • Councillor Kristian Woodland - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor K. Woodland declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he had predetermined the application due to speaking in objection as a Local Ward Member. He left the meeting whilst the application was discussed.