Council and democracy > Agenda item > Declarations

Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Draft Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales 2022/23.'

  • Councillor Adrian Hussey - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Carl Thomas - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Carol Andrews - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Colin Peter Mann - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor D. Tudor Davies MBE - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Gez Kirby - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Leeroy Jeremiah - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Martyn Paul James - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Mrs Margaret Eiddwen Sargent - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Walter Williams - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.
  • Councillor Wynne David - Personal - Declared a personal interest only as the matter related to Member's Remuneration for which there was a pre-existing dispensation within the Members Code.