Cysylltu â ni ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol ac yn ymuno yn y sgwrs
Agenda item
I dderbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
The Chairman opened the meeting and
introductions were made.
The Legal Advisor to the Sub
Committee asked the Senior Licensing Officer to confirm that the residents had
been given appropriate notice of the hearing in line with the statutory
requirements within the Licensing Act 2003.
The Officer confirmed the relevant notice had been given to the
residents objecting to the premise licence application. The Sub Committee were given the opportunity
to adjourn the meeting. However, the
Legal Advisor stated that it was likely that the residents had chosen not to
attend the meeting. The Sub Committee
unanimously agreed to continue with the procedure.
The Legal
Advisor outlined the procedure for the meeting and reported that Members had
previously familiarised themselves with the report of the Licensing Officer,
the application and plan of the premises together with the written submissions
from the Police as a Responsible Authority and Local Residents who were
objecting to the application.
Senior Licensing Officer presented the Licensing Managers report which outlined
the application submitted for a new premise licence at Savers, 83 Cardiff Road,
Caerphilly CF83 1FQ with the proposed operating hours for the supply of alcohol
(off sales only).
of Alcohol (off sales only)
Monday to Saturday inclusive – 08.30am – 7.00pm
Sunday 09.00am to 5.00pm.
Monday to Saturday 14th November to
24th December until 8.00pm.
Senior Licensing Officer then referred to representations received in relation
to the application from the Police as a Responsible Authority and Other Persons
i.e. Local Residents that were set out within the
report. Copies of which were circulated
with the agenda.
was then drawn to the local policy considerations as set out within the report
and to the way in which the Sub Committee should deal with the
application. It was explained that the
Sub Committee must have regard to the report, the representations made and to
the evidence heard. It must take such
steps as is considered necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives
and could:-
the application as requested to include, where appropriate, mandatory
Modify the conditions specified in the operating
schedule by altering, omitting or adding to them.
Reject the whole or part of the application.
The Chair invited the applicant
to make their submissions.
The Regional Manager addressed
the Sub Committee in support of the application submitted and assured Members
that the 330 Savers that hold premises licences throughout the Country have
never been prosecuted for any offence under the Licensing Act. Members were also assured that the premises
has till prompts for all age restricted products and an external company
carries out two test purchases a year on each premises. If there are any successful sales, the member
of staff is issued a disciplinary. The
Members were advised that there are at least three members of staff employed at
each premises that hold a Personal Licence.
The Members were also advised that every member of staff is required to
complete online training every six months which includes a section on underage
sales and their responsibilities under the Licensing Act these records are kept
on an online system and available for inspection at the premises.
Following a query raised by the
Legal Advisor the Regional Manager confirmed that the plan submitted as part of
the application that was attached to the published report highlights in yellow
the areas that alcohol will be on display for sale in the premises.
The Chair invited
the Responsible Authorities to make their representations.
PC. A. Jones addressed the Sub Committee
outlining the representations included within the report and confirmed the
applicant had agreed to the suggested additional conditions. Therefore, the
Police had no objection to the application as it was felt that the conditions
were robust enough to mitigate any antisocial behaviour.
The Legal Advisor referred the Police Officer
to the resident’s objection which were included within the report, and asked if
the Police could comment on the suggestion that there was antisocial behaviour
associated with the number of off licensed premises in Caerphilly town
centre. The Police Officer advised that
the residents had not been specific in location and therefore there is no
evidence that can be attributed to antisocial behaviour in relation to off sale
licensed premises. However, the Police Officer
confirmed that they work with another two Savers in other areas and there have
never been any issues relating to antisocial behaviour.
Responding to a query raised by the Sub
Committee, the Police Officer clarified that the applicant only had
responsibility to public congregating directly outside the premises and not on
the pavement as this would be a highway issue.
All parties were then afforded the opportunity to sum up before the
Licensing and Gambling Sub Committee retired to make its decision.
closing the Senior Licensing Officer asked Members to consider all the representations
before them, the evidence heard at the meeting, and all Licensing guidance when
making their decision. The Sub Committee
were reminded of the need to consider the promotion of the Licensing Objectives
and whether the applicant would be able to meet the same.
The Police stated that they had no further
comments and confirmed their position that they have no objection to the
Regional Manager had no further comments.
The Legal Advisor informed all parties present that the Sub
Committee would retire to consider the representations made at the meeting and
they would be informed in writing of the decision in the next 5 days.
The Sub Committee
retired at 10.00am to make its decision and all other parties left the meeting.
The decision of the Licensing and Gambling
Sub Committee in regard to the hearing held on 5th
March 2024 in respect of an application for a new premises licence at Savers,
83 Cardiff Road, Caerphilly, CF83 1FQ is to grant the premises licence to
of Alcohol (Off Sales only)
Monday to Saturday 08.30hrs to 19.00hrs
Sunday 09.00hrs to 17.00hrs
Between Monday-Saturday from 14 November
to 24 December until 20.00hrs
subject to the conditions set out within Appendix 10 of the Licensing
Report, attached hereto.
In reaching this decision the Sub-Committee
considered the promotion of the four licensing objectives, being the prevention
of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the
protection of children from harm. The
Sub Committee had regard to the statutory guidance and the council’s licensing
The Sub-Committee gave significant weight
that no Responsible Authority opposed the application. In this respect, there appeared to be no
opposition to the application based on public safety, the prevention of public
nuisance or the protection of children from harm. The objection to the application, made by two
residents, appeared to principally relate to the promotion of prevention of
crime and disorder, though the Sub Committee accepted that there can be some
limited cross-over between such objective and the remaining three licencing
The two resident objectors failed to appear
at the hearing. The Sub Committee
accepted the evidence from the Senior Licensing Officer that each resident had
been sent a notification of the hearing and no indication had been received
from either resident if they intended to attend the hearing. The Sub Committee were equally satisfied that
no contact had been received by the licensing team or Committee Services from
either resident that explained their respective absence or any request for the
hearing to be adjourned. The
Sub-Committee decided pursuant to regulation 20(2)(b) of The Licensing Act
2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005 to hear the application in the absence of
the two residents who had objected to the application. The Sub-Committee did not consider that it
was in the public interest to adjourn the hearing to a further date. The Sub Committee, in reaching its decision,
gave regard to the written objections provided by each respective resident
comprising pages 35 and 37 of the Licencing Report.
The Sub Committee were sufficiently
persuaded by the evidence of the Applicant that it is an enterprise with
long-standing experience in the off sales of alcohol. It heard evidence that a significant amount
of its stores sell off-sales alcohol. The Sub-committee was made aware of the
various policies, training programs and quality control the Applicant employs
to ensure all licensed stores take actions to promote the licensing objectives. This included a proactive program of
self-testing its stores with an independent company carrying out periodic test
purchases where ID production for the alcohol purchase would need to be
produced. The Applicant detailed what
steps are taken should such test purchase fail, including the further provision
of training for the manager and staff of the relevant store. The Sub-Committee gave significant weight to
the evidence that the Applicant, across it licensed stores had not had a review
of any of its licenses and had not been subject to any prosecution regarding
any instances of alleged sales of alcohol to under-age customers or to people
who are intoxicated. In short, the
Sub-Committee reached the clear view that it had strong confidence in the
Applicant’s ability to promote the licensing objectives in
regard to the licenced activity.
The Sub Committee noted that the council
does not have a cumulative policy in terms of premises licencing. Given this, the Sub Committee did not give
any significant weight to each residents’ objection that were based on there
being an “influx” of off-licence premises within the Caerphilly town
centre. There may or may not be an
influx of such premises – but this element alone would be an insufficient basis
on which to refuse the application under the terms of the council’s own
licensing policy.
The resident objections principally relied
on a link between off-sale alcohol and anti-social behaviour (a form of
disorder) within the town centre. In
assessing the weight to give this evidence the Sub Committee considered
paragraph 9.12 of the Home Office – Revised Guidance issued under section
182 of the Licensing Act 2003. Each responsible authority are experts in
their field and the Sub-Committee gave significant weight to Gwent Police not
opposing the application. The evidence
provided at the hearing by Gwent Police did not support the resident’s
objections. Gwent Police submitted that
the off-licence sales of alcohol was difficult to
attribute to being the cause of anti-social behaviour, as the link between the
licenced premises, consumption of alcohol and any anti-social behaviour was not
often clear. Gwent Police indicated that
the applicant should only be responsible for customers behaviour within the
premises and its immediate shop frontage.
The Sub Committee accepted this submission, which echoed a similar
position in regard to the public nuisance licencing
objective at paragraph 2.26 of the above s.182 guidance (which itself uses the
example of anti-social behaviour).
The Sub Committee were unable to give a lot
of weight to the two residents’ evidence.
The written objections for each were less than one respective page. The representations expressed broad
complaints and the Sub Committee noted paragraph 9.9 of the above s.182
guidance and its application in this matter.
The opportunity for the objecting residents to attend the hearing to
amplify and or clarify their objections had not been taken. The Sub Committee took the view that there
may be ASB within Caerphilly town centre – but the determination of the
application did not solely rest on whether this was the case. The critical link between the licensed
activity (off-sales of alcohol) and any ASB was not borne out in the written
objections. The residents had not made
themselves available to the hearing to be questioned as to why they had
concluded that the ASB they are alleged to have witnessed was caused by
off-sales of alcohol as opposed, for instance, from on-sales of alcohol at
nearby licenced premises.
The Sub Committee were sufficiently
confident that the Applicant had sufficient experience, training support and
policies in place to ensure that sale of alcohol to underage customers was very
unlikely to take place. The Sub
Committee were not satisfied that promotion of the licencing objectives could
only be promoted by a complete refusal of the application.
In the Sub Committee’s judgement, it was
adequately satisfied that the licensing objectives, particularly in regard to the prevention of crime and disorder, would be
sufficiently promoted by the Applicant to justify the grant of the licence
applied for. The Sub Committee was
equally satisfied that the licence conditions, as settled between Gwent Police
and the Applicant prior to the hearing, were all the current conditions
necessary to promote the licencing objectives in this instance.
RESOLVED that the
application for a new premises licence as set out in Section 1.3 of the
Licensing Manager’s report be GRANTED, subject to the conditions agreed in line
with recommendations by Gwent Police and the Licensing Authority as detailed in
appendix 6 in the Officers report.
Any person aggrieved by this decision has 21 days from the date of
written notification of the decision to appeal to the local Magistrates Court.
applicable to the grant of the licence as per Appendix 10 of the Licensing
Manager’s report:
CCTV system is installed that is capable of
continuously recording for a period of not less than 31 days meeting Home
Office Guidelines and is maintained in good working order.
Recordings will
be made of all trading periods.
The correct date
and time will be generated onto both recording and real time image screen.
The system is able to produce copies of recordings on site.
The system is
capable of facial image recognition of all persons both entering and exiting
the store. At least one camera from the system covers the doorway and another
covers the till area.
Copies of
recordings shall be provided on request to an office under the direction and
control of the Police or an officer of the Licensing Authority.
The DPS will
ensure that there are trained members of staff available during licensable
hours to be able to reproduce and download CCTV images into a removable format
at the request of an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or the
There is a clear
signage indicating that CCTV equipment is in use and recording at the premises.
The DPS will take
such steps as necessary to ensure that the system is operated and maintained in
accordance with these conditions.
High Strength spirits (20% abv or above) will only
be displayed behind the till area.
Provision will be made for the disabled to ensure
safe evacuation in the event of fire or other emergency and general access to
the store.
All planning requirements will be met and procedures established to prevent noise nuisance
from deliveries.
Measures will be in place to ensure the proper
disposal of all waste.
The premises licence holder shall require the
designated premises supervisor, or in his / her absence other responsible
person, to keep an ‘incident / refusals’ logbook in a book in which full
details of all incidents are recorded. This shall include details of any
refused sales and shall give details of the persons involved, incident
description, time and date, actions taken and final outcome
of the situation. This shall be completed as soon as possible and, in any case,
no later than the close of business on the day of the incident. The time and
date when the report was completed, and by whom, is to form part of the entry.
The logbook is to be kept on the premises at all times
and shall be produced to an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or a
constable when required. All records shall be kept for a period of 12 months.
The store will operate a Challenge 25 Policy.
Publicity materials notifying customers of the operation of the Challenge 25
scheme shall be displayed at the premises, including a Challenge 25 sign of at
least A5 size at the entrance to the premises and where practicable at each
point of sale.
Staff will receive training not less than every 6
months in respect of Challenge 25 and records will be kept of all training and
refresher training.
Training will include the refusal of service to any
person appearing under 25 unless they can produce an acceptable means of
identification to show they are 18 or over. Acceptable means of identification
will include passport, photo driving licence. or PASS accredited photo ID.
Should customers be directly outside the
premises entrance causing congestion, loitering and/or causing Anti-Social
Behaviour they will be told move away from the vicinity of the store by the
premises supervisor, manager or other competent