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Agenda item
Following an
introduction from the Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, Committee
Members received a presentation from the Business Improvement Manager. Members
were given an overview on the statutory requirement for the Council to carry
out a process of self-assessment. This was undertaken via the Performance
Management Framework and a key component
was the Corporate Performance Assessment.
One Member
requested a response to the increase in sickness days, breaches of data
requests and asked if there were sufficient resources in areas receiving the
most number of complaints such as refuse collection, recycling and highway
maintenance. The Cabinet highlighted that the pandemic had an impact on staff
absence due to sickness. The Corporate Director for Education and Corporate
Services also advised that a report had come before the Policy and Resources
Scrutiny Committee outlining a series of measures designed to improve the
situation regarding sickness rates. The Head of People Services outlined the
national nature of increased sickness levels and provided assurances that is
was being reviewed alongside other Local Authorities and external partners. On
the issue of sufficient resources, the Corporate Director for Economy and
Environment observed that some areas had adequate funding but others did not.
Members also heard about problems with recruitment to certain positions.
A Member asked
for more information on the effects of the Well-being Initiative, requested
figures based on gender for those appointed to high positions within the
Council, questioned if outside appointments were made for such roles and
queried whether the Council was actually responsible for some of the
achievements in the report or was just claiming credit for the work of others.
The Corporate Director for Education and Corporate Services advised that
putting all the information contained within Directorate Performance
Assessments into one report would produce too lengthy a document for one
meeting. Members heard how information on issues such as gender balance did
form part of the Directorate Performance Assessment. The Director suggested that a Member Seminar be organised so that the
full range of information could be assessed. The Corporate Director for
Social Services and Housing provided assurances that the achievement raised by
the Member related to additional income brought about due to the intervention
of Council staff. On the issue of recruitment the Head of People Services
assured Members that appointments were made on both an internal and external
basis and that the process was based on the Council’s Safer Recruitment
One Member
welcomed the report but questioned the objectivity as it was a self-assessment.
The Corporate Director for Education and Corporate Services reiterated that the
report was a snapshot and that a future Seminar would allow Members to drill
down more deeply into all corporate priorities. The Business Improvement
Manager also highlighted that an independent panel review fed into the
assessment process.
A Committee
Member asked if there were any comparisons with other Local Authorities. The
Business Improvement Manager observed that making comparisons was challenging
as the Welsh Government had suspended data reporting to maximise resources
during the pandemic.
One Member
praised the work carried out as part of the Sure Start programme. The Early
Years Manager agreed that the work done was phenomenal and gave Members an
update on the work undertaken.
A Member
criticised the underspend of £37.8 M and suggested that virement of this money
would allow resurfacing of poor roads for example. The Head of Financial
Services and S151 Officer reminded Members that an outturn report outlining how
the underspend was ring-fenced for a number of purposes and that this report
had been agreed by Cabinet and Full Council. The Member also enquired why the
sickness/absence rates and the number of staff aged over 55 did not feature in
the risk register. He also queried calculations of Welsh language statistics in
the report and the percentage figures for Freedom of Information compliance.
The Corporate Director for Education and Corporate Services outlined how
sickness rates were for 2021/22 and the risk register relates to the previous
financial year and therefore they would be reviewed under a future risk
register. On the Welsh language statistics point the Corporate Policy Manager
recognised that there was a discrepancy and highlighted that this was caused by
staff having more than one role with the Authority and working across different
Directorates. Regarding the FoI compliance figures
query the Head of Customer and Digital Services observed that she would
double-check the figures and contact the Member.
The Chief
Executive thanked Members for the challenging comments made this evening. The
Chief Executive praised the work of Council staff during very challenging times
during the pandemic. Members heard how certain areas such as complaints and FoI
compliance may have been negatively impacted during this time but it was
because resources had been redirected to provide community support during the
pandemic. The Chair also praised the role of staff delivering free school meals
during the pandemic and concluded that the report had been discussed,
challenged and scrutinised as per the recommendation.
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