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This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.

Information about Cabinet

As part of modernising local government in Wales, the council has embarked on a cabinet style of local government. We consulted the public about the way all councils in Wales have been given to choose their preferred way of conducting business. This consultation involving 1000's of people in the county borough resulted in a decisive decision to select the Leader plus Cabinet system. This new system created a new political structure for the council speeding up decision-making and maintaining an open and transparent form of community government.

The Cabinet is responsible for making most of the council's policy decisions and consists of a Leader, a Deputy Leader and eight Cabinet members drawn from the 69 councillors elected.

Each Cabinet member has a specific portfolio area and their role is to drive forward their part of a Cabinet Work Programme. It is important that everyone has a clear understanding of what the Cabinet has identified as the most important issues, how we intend to tackle them and what we intend to achieve, by when.

The Cabinet's progress is monitored during the year through Scrutiny Committees and assessment of its' performance will take place at end of the year. Important issues, such as setting the council budget, are made by the Full Council, while some other day-to-day decisions are delegated to senior officers.

For enquiries relating to the Cabinet Office please contact:

Karen Green (PA to the Leader and Cabinet Office)

Tel: 01443 864400                                             Email: