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Venue: Digital Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Sharon Hughes
No. | Item |
To receive apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest. |
Councillors and Officers are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest(s) in respect of any item of business on this agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Code of Conduct for both Councillors and Officers. |
To approve and sign the following minutes: - |
Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 20th April 2021. PDF 214 KB |
Consideration of any matter referred to this Committee in accordance with the call-in procedure. |
Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme. PDF 208 KB Additional documents: |
To receive and consider the following Cabinet reports*: - 1.
Regeneration Board - Project Proposals – 21st April
2021; 2.
UK Government Funding for Local and Regional
Economies - The Levelling Up Fund, UK Shared Prosperity Fund and UK Community
Renewal Fund – 19th May 2021; 3.
Street Naming and Numbering – Proposed Charge to
Add/Rename/Remove a Residential Property Name – 7th July 2021. |
*If a member of the
Scrutiny Committee wishes for any of the above Cabinet report to be brought
forward for review at the meeting please contact Sharon Hughes, 01443 864281,
by 10.00am on Monday, 19th July 2021. |
To receive and consider the following Scrutiny report: - |
Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring - Outturn 2020/21. PDF 395 KB |