Council and democracy > Committee attendance > Agenda


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Venue: Sirhowy Room - Sirhowy Room, Penallta House, Tredomen, Ystrad Mynach. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Barrett 

Note: The Membership of This Committee will be Appointed at the Annual Meeting of Council on the 9th May 2019 

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest.

Councillors and Officers are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest(s) in respect of any item of business on this agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Code of Conduct for both Councillors and Officers.


Consideration of any matter referred to this Committee in accordance with the call-in procedure.


Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme. pdf icon PDF 662 KB


To receive and consider the following Cabinet reports*: -

1.         Re-profiling of WHQS Programme and HRA Capital Programme 2019/20 -  13th March 2019;

2.         Regeneration Board – Project Proposals – 29th May 2019.

*If a member of the Scrutiny Committee wishes for any of the above Cabinet reports to be brought forward for review at the meeting please contact Rebecca Barrett, 01443 864245, by 10.00am on Monday 10th June 2019.

To receive and consider the following Scrutiny reports: -


Universal Credit - Housing Update. pdf icon PDF 230 KB


Energy and Carbon Report. pdf icon PDF 576 KB

Additional documents: