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Agenda and minutes

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Venue: Digital Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Rebecca Barrett 

No. Item

Introduction and Recording Arrangements

Due to technical difficulties, the meeting start was delayed to 10.10 a.m.


The Chair welcomed all those in attendance and introductions were made.  The Chair reminded those present that the meeting was being recorded and would be made available following the meeting via the Council’s website – Click Here to View



Apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from D. Lewis (Child Protection).



Declarations of Interest.


Councillor D. Cushing sought advice from the Legal Advisor to the Sub Committee, as one of the local residents objecting to the application is known to her (as they are both members of the same political party).  On receiving advice, Councillor Cushing decided that she did not need to declare an interest on this occasion, and she remained in the meeting during consideration of the application.



Determination of Premises Licence Application - Tog Farm Limited, Land at Tog Farm, Rudry, CF83 3DG. pdf icon PDF 389 KB

Additional documents:


The Legal Advisor to the Sub Committee outlined the procedure for the meeting, including the order of representations and the opportunities for all parties to ask questions. 


Mr Lee Morgan (Licensing Manager) presented his report and outlined the application for a new premises licence for Land at Tog Farm, Rudry, CF83 3DG, which sought to permit the following licensable activities:


·         Supply of Alcohol (on sales only) Monday to Sunday, 15.00 to 23.00;


·         Regulated Entertainment – (Provision of Films) Monday to Sunday, 18.00 to 23.00 (Films on projector screen inside tent, and outside in designated area).


It was noted that a general description of the proposed premises had been provided as ‘Glamping site, guests pre book their stay. Alcohol will be offered with meals, and while staying with us on site, only at the designated sites.’  A number of steps had been volunteered by the applicant as part of the Operating Schedule, to promote the Licensing Objectives, and were set out in Section 1.3.1 of the report.  This included pre-booking for the premises with no more than 10 guests at any one time.


During the 28-day consultation period, representations were received from the Child Protection Officer, Environmental Health (Health and Safety), Licensing Authority in their role as a Responsible Authority, Environmental Health Pollution and Trading Standards.  The Fire and Rescue Service and Gwent Police had indicated that they had no representations in respect of the proposed new premises licence.  Further details were set out in Section 1.6 of the report and copies of the representations from the Responsible Authorities were set out at Appendices 5-9 of the report.


It was noted that the applicant had responded to the comments of the Child Protection Officer and had agreed to the conditions proposed, should a licence be granted.  The  applicant had not responded to the proposed conditions advocated by the other Responsible Authorities, although it was noted that both Environmental Health (Health and Safety) and the Licensing Authority had lodged an objection to the grant of the licence.   Mr Morgan confirmed that the Child Protection Officer had offered her apologies for the meeting but that the Sub Committee would hear from all the other Responsible Authorities who would confirm their position later in the meeting.


Representations were also received from three Elected Members in objection to the application, together with representations from seven local residents objecting to the application, and a representation from Draethen, Waterloo and Rudry Community Council in objection.  Further details were summarised in Section 1.6 of the report and copies of the representations were set out at Appendices 10-20 of the report.


Attention was drawn to the local policy considerations as set out in the report and to the way in which the Sub Committee would deal with the application.  The Sub Committee noted Section 1.9 of the report which set out a summary of observations regarding the application, and were then referred to the recommendation set out at Section 1.10 of the Licensing Manager’s report, which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.