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Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Digital Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Rebecca Barrett
No. | Item |
Recording and Voting Arrangements. Due
to technical difficulties, the meeting start was delayed to 10.10 a.m. The Chair reminded those
present that the meeting was being filmed and would be available following the
meeting via the Council’s website – Click Here to View. Members were advised that voting on decisions
would take place via Microsoft Forms. |
Apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were
received from Councillors J. Bevan, P.J. Bevan, D. Cushing, W. David, M. Davies, D. Harse, D.W.R. Preece, Mrs D.
Price, J. Simmonds (Chair) and Mrs J. Stone. |
Declarations of Interest. Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest received at the commencement or during the
course of the meeting. |
Proposal to Increase Hackney Carriage Fare Tariffs. PDF 487 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Lee Morgan (Licensing
Manager) presented the report, which asked the Taxi and General Committee to consider the proposals set out in the report with a view to
recommending to Cabinet an increase in the hackney carriage fare tariff, in light
of requests received from members of the taxi trade. Members were reminded that in accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 1976, a local authority may fix and vary the rates or fares
within their district and all other charges in connection with the hire of a
hackney carriage. However, prior to
bringing into force any changes, the Authority must publicise its proposals in
the local press for a period of fourteen days to allow for any objections. Mr Morgan explained that there are currently 290 licensed hackney
carriage vehicles across the borough and the tariff of fares sets out the
maximum tariff that those drivers may charge for a journey. The tariff of fares details the hours of
operation that the tariff is applicable for, and also sets the charge for a
‘waiting time’, for example where a passenger could stop by a shop during the
course of their journey and ask the driver to wait for them. It was noted that the current hackney carriage fare tariff was last
revised in 2018, and a table displaying the current fares was set out at
Appendix A of the report. Members were
also asked to note the daytime and night-time tariffs in effect and the tariff
rates available for different sizes of vehicles (1-4 passengers and 5-8
passengers) Mr Morgan referenced the current financial uncertainty arising from
recent global events and the rise in living costs, and explained that two
proposals were submitted to the Licensing Department in November 2021 and
December 2021 requesting that the Council revise the hackney carriage fare
tariffs currently in operation. One
request was received from Mr George Edwards of the Caerphilly County Borough
Taxi Drivers Association, and the other from Mr Robert Salter, a local hackney
carriage vehicle proprietor. These
proposals were set out at Appendix D of the report, and both proposals also
suggested changes to the waiting time and the times for Tariff 2 to be applied. All three elements of the proposals were set out at Sections 3.2 and
5.19 of the report for consideration by the Committee, who were asked to make a
suitable recommendation to Cabinet in respect of their preferred
proposals. It was noted that both
parties had been invited to the Committee meeting to speak in support of their
proposals if they so wished. The Taxi and General Committee were referred to the National Hackney
Carriage Table of Fares included as a comparison at Appendix B and referenced
in Section 5.3 of the report. Members
also noted the table showing 2-mile tariff comparisons across Wales at Appendix
C of the report. Members were advised that since the last tariff review in 2018, there has been an increase in the cost of living, particularly ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |