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Venue: Sirhowy Room - Sirhowy Room, Penallta House, Tredomen, Ystrad Mynach. View directions
Contact: Charlotte Evans
No. | Item |
To receive apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest |
Councillors and Officers are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest(s) in respect of any item of business on this agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Code of Conduct for both Councillors and Officers Presented By: zzTest CommitteeW |
To approve and sign the following minutes: - |
Joint Consultative Committee held on 25th January 2017 PDF 142 KB |
Matters arising. |
Minutes of Directorate Joint Consultative Committees (copies attached) and matters arising:- Presented By: zzTest CommitteeW |
Directorate of Social Services Joint Consultative Committee held on 20th March 2017. PDF 211 KB |
Ymgynghoriad rhwng Undebau Llafur a Rheolwyr. |
Cydweithio. |
Unrhyw Fusnes Arall. |
Dyddiadau cyfarfodydd i ddod: - Wednesday, 26th July 2017 at 2pm; Wednesday, 25th October 2017 at 2pm; Wednesday, 24th January 2018 at 2pm. |