Council and democracy > Attendance > Agenda


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Venue: Sirhowy Room - Sirhowy Room, Penallta House, Tredomen, Ystrad Mynach. View directions

Contact: Kim Houghton 

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest.

Councillors and Officers are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest(s) in respect of any item of business on this agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Code of Conduct for both Councillors and Officers.

To approve and sign the following minutes: - 


Caerphilly Homes Task Group held on 4th September 2018. pdf icon PDF 166 KB


Caerphilly Homes Task Group held on 20th September 2018. pdf icon PDF 156 KB


WHQS Finance. (Presentation only)

To receive and note the following information items: - 


Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring - Period 4 2018/19. pdf icon PDF 98 KB


WHQS Environmental Programme. pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:

*If a member of the Caerphilly Homes Task Group wishes for the above information report(s) to be brought forward for discussion at the meeting, please contact Emma Sullivan on 01443 864420, by 10a.m. on Wednesday 31st October  2018.


To receive any requests for an item to be included on the next available agenda.