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Venue: Digital Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Emma Sullivan
No. | Item |
To receive apologies for absence. |
Mayor's Announcements. |
To receive petitions under Rule of Procedure 28(3). |
Presentation of Awards. |
Declarations of Interest. |
Councillors and Officers are
reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and/or
prejudicial interest(s) in respect of any item of business on this agenda in
accordance with the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and
the Code of Conduct for both Councillors and Officers. |
To approve and sign the following minutes: - |
To receive and to answer questions received under Rule of Procedure 10(4). Question from Councillor Kevin Etheridge to Councillor James Pritchard,
Deputy Leader. To ask the Deputy Leader to define in relation to his portfolio what
measures he will introduce to engage positively with stakeholders, communities,
businesses, opposition Councillors and Traders within all our Town Centres to
ensure consistency across the County Borough as Town Centre Management Groups
have not been meeting for 2 years? |
Statement by the Leader of Council. |
To receive and consider the following reports: - |
Notice of Motion - Memorial Benches. PDF 216 KB Additional documents: |
Notice of Motion - Pledge To Be Seen Campaign. PDF 223 KB Additional documents: |
Provisional Revenue Budget Outturn for 2020-21. PDF 194 KB Additional documents: |
Diversity in Democracy. PDF 216 KB Additional documents: |
To note the following report which was considered as an urgent item by Cabinet: - |
Youth Service Removal from Lease and Use of Crumlin Institute. PDF 192 KB Additional documents: |
Votes - 13th July 2021 PDF 181 KB Additional documents: |