Council and democracy > Attendance > Committee attendance > Agenda


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Contact: Emma Sullivan 

No. Item


To receive apologies for absence.


Mayor's Announcements.


To receive petitions under Rule of Procedure 28(3).


Presentation of Awards.


Declarations of Interest.

Councillors and Officers are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest(s) in respect of any item of business on this agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Code of Conduct for both Councillors and Officers. 


To approve and sign the following minutes: - 


Council held on 12th April 2022. pdf icon PDF 283 KB


Annual Council held on 19th May 2022. pdf icon PDF 316 KB


To receive and to answer questions received under Rule of Procedure 10(4).

Question to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, Councillor E. Stenner from Councillor K. Etheridge: -


To asked the Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance as £229,000 was not spent in various affected wards can they please define the mechanism, methodology and monitoring used which will ensure all monies are spent to help good causes, which meet the criteria in every ward of the county following the cost of living rises?


Question to the Cabinet Member for Prosperity, Regeneration and Climate Change, Councillor J. Pritchard from Councillor A. McConnell.


Can the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Prosperity and Climate Change explain what is being done to support businesses and town centres?

To receive and consider the following reports: - 


Notice of Motion - Government Cuts. pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Additional documents:


Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2022/23. pdf icon PDF 359 KB

Additional documents:


Votes - Council 19th July 2022. pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents: