Council and democracy > Meeting attendance

Meeting attendance

Monday, 28th March, 2022 3.00 pm, Caerphilly Standing Advisory Council on Religion, Values and Ethics

Venue:   Digital Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Contact:    Rebecca Barrett

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth M. Aldworth Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Alan Collis Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Gaynor Denise Oliver Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Mrs Teresa Parry Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Julian Simmonds Committee Member Apologies
Councillor John Taylor Chair Present
Mr K. Chamberlain Co-Optee Apologies
Mr M. Gray Co-Optee Present
Mrs E. Hawthorn Co-Optee Apologies
Major P. Hubbard Co-Optee Apologies
Mrs J. Jones Co-Optee Present
Miss H. Bartley Co-Optee Apologies
Mrs M. Jones Co-Optee Apologies
Mrs T. Lloyd Co-Optee Apologies
Ms K. McCullough Co-Optee Present
Mrs C. McLaughlan Co-Optee Apologies
Rebecca Barrett Committee Services Officer Expected